Glitches & Tips

1 Tip: If someone keeps spamming, block them or tell to stop simple. 

2 Tip: If your lagging bad, you should shut your computer down during the night and see the difference or simply download Here. (And if you hate ads) SURF the Web without ADS!! 

Charmazing quiz (June 2015) and intreview of my cafe.

heres Q and A about Charmazing lyrics since june 27 2015 .the video will help you.


You'll get this symbz for completed the lyrics quiz of all about singing. good luck with that im sure you'll find the unitz just
find someone who have it as favorite so you can do them. Once again good luck cx

I'll be having workers since they want work there I get messages of saying "Can I work at your cafe" well ofc anyone can. It's a free job no beex or cast  once I find more prom tiles i gotta put them in the floor.. So I can keep the floor perfect and nice. YOU GUYS will have fun there, i got movez it too it's only two players so take turns and be respectful to everyone , no bad languages or fighting. it just a unitz to eat at and have fun. and hang

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