Advice Page


Q: Dear Red, outside of school, and inside of school, I'm constantly getting bullied. Whether its for being "Fat" or "too tall" and it really effects my self esteem and the way I see myself a lot of the time. What can help me?
A: Wow, I'm really sorry that this is happening to you.. I understand. I get bullied too. And sometimes it's not always people you don't know attacking you. Sometimes your own "friends" can bully you too. I have a friend who doesn't want me talking to some people, and went behind my back yesterday to say that we aren't really "friends". So, I would try to take a look at everybody your friends with to see who is doing you more good than damage. At school, talk to a teacher or counselor for help. Send reports to the school office, or talk to a parent as well. You don't need negativity in your life. <3 xoxo 

Possessive Friend

Q: Dear Red, I have this friend, and she's always trying to run my life. She always tells me what to do, and how and when to do it. I'm not allowed to do anything without her permission, and unless she agrees. Like, I wanted to apply for a job, and she said not until she knew she got the job first. She wouldn't even tell me where to apply until she got accepted!! It's like she pretty much tells me "you can't have anything that I can't get before you." How do I cope?

A: Dear "Possessive Friend" I know the feels!! I have a friend EXACTLY like that. Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to just reconsider why you're friends. You don't need to have somebody constantly pushing you around and messing with you as if you're some toy. Because you're a person who deserves soooo much better! I want you to consider your worth, do you really think you're time and emotional energy is worth all the aggravation and crushed feelings this "friend" leaves you with? I honestly believe you could have such better friends. Evaluate why you even became friends in the first place. Did you have something in common? Did they help you at some point? Did you go through something together? If you can't find something that strongly shows that your friendship had a solid start, cut your losses. Or create a pros and cons list about this person, and your friendship. Then evaluate which side is stronger. Don't ever settle for anything less that you deserve okay? You're an amazing and a very good person. You don't need to stoop to such low levels to have friends.  Hopefully this helps!! xx

Hopeless Romantic

Q: "Dear Red, I've recently been having trouble with guys. I don't know what's so wrong with me.. I don't think anybody likes me and idk how to get them to like me. It makes me sad because all my other friends have boyfriends except for me.. Maybe I'm better off alone? Help.."

A: Dear Hopeless Romantic, I know the struggle with guy troubles!! I was there before! There's not a whole lot you can do to "make a guy like you" you kind of just need to go with things. Make sure you're always acting like yourself, don't change to be appear like somebody who a guy would like. Because you'll end up being unhappy, because a guy wouldn't be able to see the true you.  I struggled with that. Also, nothing is wrong with you hun! You're amazing the way you are, and don't allow anybody to take that away from you okay? Secondly, just because all your friends are dating, doesn't mean you're behind, or less of a person. It just means life is waiting before you get somebody super awesome!! You need to help find your prince charming, the poor fool might have gotten stuck in a tree somewhere or something okay? I personally understand how you feel,  I had all of these issues before I found my current boyfriend, who I have now happily been with for nearly 4 months. I promise, you'll find somebody, just remember the 3 C's! Stay COOL,CALM, and CONFIDENT!! <3 Good Luck Darlin'. 
~ RedBlueGirl

Cutting Friend

Q: "Dear Red, one of my best friends has been cutting for a really long time, and I'm always scared it's gonna lead to something worse. Her life is pretty difficult, she has strict parents, she's always grounded, and right now she can't see or talk to her current boyfriend. What do you think I can do to help her?"
A: Dear "Cutting Friend"
      There's honestly not a whole lot that YOU can do for her. This is a topic where this person needs to seek help themselves. If somebody tries to help them, and they don't want it, they push it away. It's a very tough situation to be in. Believe me. I just got out of this myself. It's a process, but it's worth the fight. What you can try to do, is just be there. Give frequent checks by texting randomly "how are you?" or "how has your day been?" And if she replies with negativity, try and make her smile. Also, if she confides in you that she is feeling the urge to do it, ask her if she has another distraction. Maybe listening to music, or running. If she channels her anger into something other than cutting, she could be much safer, mentally and emotionally. Hopefully my tips help. Goodluck to her, and you're an amazing friend to look out for her like this.  

High School How To:

Q:"Dear Red, my school is starting up in September, and I'm going to be starting High School. I'm pretty scared tbh... How do I survive?"
A: Dear "High School How To," 
Hey!! I'm in High School already, so this is actually a really good topic for me. At first, you're going to find things REALLY hectic, you're probably going to get lost, and you're going to be scared. That's all natural.  Here's a few of my best DO's and DONT's of being a Freshman in High School.

  • Make friends (find people who you have classes with or you already know)
  • Use your locker (trust me when I say, the text book load, is UNBEARABLE)
  • Keep track of your hall pass book (but don't abuse it)
  • make upper classmen friends!! (they are typically the BEST helpers for you)
  • Join a club!! (they are fun! As well as they look great on college applications and jobs)
  • Be late (not setting a good example with a teacher, can ruinthe class for you)
  • Miss homework (once the grades are low, it's hard to fix it)
  • Give an upper classmen attitude (they can, and will, destroy you)
  • Get involved in GOSSIP  of ANY KIND! (It's going to distract you, and give you a bad reputation)
  • Stress the small things. (High school will be hard, but the best years ever. Work hard, and have fun. you'll make it I promise!!)
Hopefully this helped you out ! :) 
 Good Night Whimsicals! 

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