Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Q: Dear Red, outside of school, and inside of school, I'm constantly getting bullied. Whether its for being "Fat" or "too tall" and it really effects my self esteem and the way I see myself a lot of the time. What can help me?
A: Wow, I'm really sorry that this is happening to you.. I understand. I get bullied too. And sometimes it's not always people you don't know attacking you. Sometimes your own "friends" can bully you too. I have a friend who doesn't want me talking to some people, and went behind my back yesterday to say that we aren't really "friends". So, I would try to take a look at everybody your friends with to see who is doing you more good than damage. At school, talk to a teacher or counselor for help. Send reports to the school office, or talk to a parent as well. You don't need negativity in your life. <3 xoxo 

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