Tuesday, August 4, 2015

High School How To:

Q:"Dear Red, my school is starting up in September, and I'm going to be starting High School. I'm pretty scared tbh... How do I survive?"
A: Dear "High School How To,"
Hey!! I'm in High School already, so this is actually a really good topic for me. At first, you're going to find things REALLY hectic, you're probably going to get lost, and you're going to be scared. That's all natural.  Here's a few of my best DO's and DONT's of being a Freshman in High School.

  • Make friends (find people who you have classes with or you already know)
  • Use your locker (trust me when I say, the text book load, is UNBEARABLE)
  • Keep track of your hall pass book (but don't abuse it)
  • make upper classmen friends!! (they are typically the BEST helpers for you)
  • Join a club!! (they are fun! As well as they look great on college applications and jobs)
  • Be late (not setting a good example with a teacher, can ruin the class for you)
  • Miss homework (once the grades are low, it's hard to fix it)
  • Give an upper classmen attitude (they can, and will, destroy you)
  • Get involved in GOSSIP  of ANY KIND! (It's going to distract you, and give you a bad reputation)
  • Stress the small things. (High school will be hard, but the best years ever. Work hard, and have fun. you'll make it I promise!!)
Hopefully this helped you out ! :)
 Good Night Whimsicals!

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